Insights for Self-Transformation Can Help Professional Therapists with Their Clients
There is an exercise that can transform the energy of negative feelings. Even when the negative feeling is at a level of ten it can go down to zero in a matter of moments. I have been working with clients for over 35 years and have successfully used this exercise to help people with negative emotions.
In the book there is an exercise that shows how to improve your concentration and quiet your mind. This is important because you become aware of what you are thinking and can learn to think positive, feel more peaceful, improve your performance, and achieve greater happiness.
Meditation is another way to learn how to still your mind, become centered, and become aware of your thoughts, and this creates more peacefulness. There are examples of meditation exercises in the book and benefits from meditating. Becoming aware of your thinking helps to eliminate clutter in your mind and become clear about what you want to achieve.

There are also affirmations that can help you direct your thoughts to achieve what you want. We create what we think about.
It is shown in the book how to use words to guide and direct your unconscious mind. There are examples of using powerful words that move you to take action and direct others in a positive way. There are powerful leaders throughout history that have used powerful language that helped them to be successful.
The importance of positive thinking is explained and demonstrates how it affects your life. How a person thinks demonstrates what they are achieving in their life. Positive thinking creates positive results and negative thinking creates problems.
Relationships are discussed in the book. Especially how we can learn to be more accepting and loving with ourselves and others. Communication is an important aspect in relationships and this is covered in the book. Learn how to set boundaries and ask for what you want. Many times, people just talk as a means to distract themselves without having any purpose to what they are saying. There are many types of love, but few people know how to love themselves and others unconditionally. This is thoroughly discussed in the book.

What we belief directs our thoughts and actions. Learn how to examine your beliefs and discover what they are creating in your life. We can change negative beliefs by becoming aware, using affirmations, and healing our negative emotions.
The subject of Fear and Defenses are thoroughly explained in the book. Nearly all problems are caused by fear so getting rid of your fears are very important to your happiness. One of the ways we keep our fears alive is by using defenses, which are either through escape or hostility. These are explained thoroughly in the book and how to eliminate them.
Learning to recognize how we are using resistance also allows us to become free of our fear and being frozen in our habits and the way we are living our life that keeps us stuck.
Through having a positive attitude and using wise behaviors we can learn to connect to a loving energy which we can express to ourselves and others. It is really not what you can get in your life, but what you can give to others that makes your life richer and happier.
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