Letting Go of Negative Thinking
Facing Modern Emotional Challenges
Many people suffer from anxiety, worry, fear, and depression and don’t know how to be happy and enjoy their life.
If you are looking for answers to how to deal with this problem, then my book, Insights for Self-Transformation is for you. The book is filled with solutions and methods of how to deal with letting go of fear and negative emotions.
For over 35 years, I worked with people in helping them deal with their problems. This book has several stories and techniques to help people find solutions and find more peace in their life.
The Cycle of Negative Thinking
Do you sometimes have worrisome thoughts that continue in your head and you can’t stop these thoughts? Painful feelings come from having negative thoughts.
In this book I have given methods of how to train your mind to become still and stop unwanted thoughts from occurring over and over. This requires training because you cannot just tell your mind to stop worrying and it will stop. That is not how it works. Most people are not aware of how negative their thoughts and words are. To become more aware and disciplined your mind requires dedication and practice. Only when the negative thinking is stopped can your mind become clear from worry and negative thinking.
Gaining Mental Clarity and Taking Positive Action

Once you have the ability to observe and be aware of what you are thinking you can take a positive course of action. Worrisome thinking and anxiety does not provide a pathway to positivity and solutions.
In this book you will find exercises you can do to quiet your mind so you can think with more awareness and clarity. Without awareness we are blinded to our behaviors that are creating more obstacles and problems.
Understanding and Overcoming Fear
Fear is the basic cause for most problems. The definition of fear is the anticipation of pain or negative results. The keyword is anticipation because that is in the future and not a reality. Without awareness we do not realize how our thoughts are fed by our fears. Examples of fear are, disapproval, loss, not having enough, rejections, helplessness, and many others. At an early age we learned to use defenses to cope with our fears. We learned these fears by observing our parents and others.
There are two types of defenses. One is by using Hostility and the other is Escape. Some examples of Hostility Defenses are: Irritation, Rage, Anger, Resentment, and Frustration.
Some examples of Escape Defenses are: Using drugs, alcohol, smoking and pills, Rationalization, Deceit, Lies and Blame.
When we lack awareness, we use defenses to protect ourselves from feeling our fear. This keeps us stuck in a locked pattern because we are repeating the same behavior of fear, using a defensive behavior, and creating more negative energy.
Often, it is difficult to pin-point our fear. You are more aware of feeling frustrated, annoyed, anxious, or worried. In order to define the fear, you need to look a little deeper. Ask yourself what is causing me to feel upset. How did I react to what was done or what was said? Did I feel that I was treated unfairly, that I was not included, or that I have no way of solving the problem? As you examine the situation more closely you will be able to place a label on your fear. After you have labeled the fear, you will be able to take steps to letting go of your fear, negative thinking, and being defensive. You will find methods outlined in the book of how to do make these changes.